December 24, 1956 - October 6, 2019

U.S. Veteran


Share your Memorial with Family & Friends

Posted by:

Posted on:
November 7, 2019

I miss you Lee.

Posted by:
John Comptonj

Posted on:
October 16, 2019

Laurie, I worked with you and Lee at the Johnson Ave Hy-Vee store in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I have very fond memories of our time at Hy-Vee, I now live in Owatonna, MN. I am so very sorry to hear about Lee's passing and also the recent passing of your mother. You and your family are in my prayers. I wish you comfort and peace.

Posted by:
James and Kathy Dean

Posted on:
October 13, 2019

We are so very sorry for your loss. Lee was a great friend and cousin. Enjoyed the camping trips and many laughs we all had together. Our prayers are with you all.

Posted by:
Glenn Hilgedick

Posted on:
October 12, 2019

I knew Lee in Mt. Clemens, MI. in 1975. We were both 20 years old and in the Air Force together. We had many good times together and I consider Lee to be one of my best friends. The summer of 1977 I went on a 30 day trip with Lee and our friend Bob Cato. It was quite a trip for a couple of young guys. We went to California and back. One interesting thing was we stopped in Kansas City to pick up some cases of Coors beer for our friends. They didn’t sell it East if Kansas City then. We ended up with 20 cases of beer strapped on the top of car all the way back to Michigan. Good memories. Lee was the best man in my wedding and when he moved to Colorado I flew out and helped him move his family. I have known Kory and Evans since they were babies. My condolences to both of you. Lee was always a friend to me and since he moved to Florida I had trouble getting ahold of him. I am very sorry about that but I tried many times. I used to call Lee every Christmas Eve to wish him a happy birthday. It was always good to hear his voice. I know he has had some tough times lately but I will always remember him as a good man and a good friend. Rest In Peace my friend. Glenn Hilgedick

Posted by:
Kenneth Peveler

Posted on:
October 12, 2019

I am the current owner of your prior property in Cedar Rapids. Please accept our condolences to the family of your loss. The times must be difficult following the recent loss of your Mother as well. May the loving memories linger and may peace fill your hearts.

Posted by:
Kirk Hoeppner

Posted on:
October 11, 2019

Laurie, very sorry to hear about Lee and also your Mom recently. Always enjoyed our Hy-Vee days! Julie and I send our condolences.

Posted by:
Juan Gonzalez

Posted on:
October 10, 2019

Mr. Lee is a great man and it was truly an honor to have met and become friends with such a beautiful soul. We met at my place of employment. Mr.Lee would come in and keep me in great company. We would discuss life on both a personal and laughable manner. We discussed his service in the armed forces and he would often bring up many of his adventures during and after his term of service. Music. We would talk about music. Bands and concerts he attended. Trivia and knowledge about all genres of music. Often proclaiming that I was well versed in music, when it was I that was incredibly impressed about his knowledge and love for music. I was in awe of the bands and records that he has witnessed and owned. I am honored to have met his son and a couple of his brothers. Mr. Lee is a veteran, a father, and a true friend and he will be greatly missed by me and a lot of others who have also shared the honor of meeting him.

Posted by:
Robert Kadow

Posted on:
November 27, 2020

Sorry to just hear of Lee’s passing. I worked with Lee at Selfridge ANGB, Mt Clemens, Mi. We had a lot of good times. Listening to music and consuming Olympia...Boston was his favorite band. Lee, Glenn and I took 30 days leave and drove my 71 Olds Cutlass across country to California the summer of 77”. He was a good friend.