November 11, 1961 - September 8, 2022

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Frank Mazziotti Jr was born November 11, 1961 and passed away on September 8, 2022.

He is survived by Matthew Mazziotti his son, Frank Mazziotti his father, Catherine Mazziotti and Marie Mazziotti Taylor his sisters, Greg Mazziotti his brother, Tiffany Taylor his niece and Thomas Taylor, Danny Tolnay, Mikey Mazziotti and Zackary Mazziotti his nephews.
His mother Carmela Mazziotti and brother Michael Mazziotti passed before him.

Frankie loved his family and had such a kind heart. Helping the feral cats brought him so much joy. He was an amazing artist and his art work will be cherished. He was a Rock & Roll fanatic who loved Pantera and Kiss and knew everything about every rock & roll artist and album.

He will be missed by his family, friends and Sea Ray co-workers.